St Marks


St Johns


St Johns, Carlton in Lindrick


St Lukes

Parish News

Interested in the Christian Faith?
Would you like to know more?

Introduction to the Faith course
Start:  Mon 16 Sep 

Parish Centre  7:30pm.

more info  <link>

Remembrance Sunday 10 Nov
9:45am service in church,
then War Memorial for A
ct of Remembrance at 11am 


Sun 10 Nov at 6pm Memorial Service
for all who wish to remember dearly departed loved ones 


Advent Bible Study 


Langold Celebrates 100 yrs 

Sun 15 Sept 



Church Vision Day

next: Jan 2025


Christmas Fayre
Sat 16 Nov  

10.30 - 1pm

more info  <link>





► Café Church 

suspended until further notice




Volunteers needed  
< link >

Help is still needed for some important tasks within our church community.



Daily Prayer

Becket Chapel   Mon - Thur  09:00 - 09:45 

At Home  We can join, if not physically, but spiritually at 9am every morning to pray with Common Worship app or web site.


*  Morning Prayer is found on Church of England website,   under ‘Prayer and Worship’    link below:


News / Events

Services / Events etc     <link>

Special Event  details     <link>

Parish Safeguarding Co-ordinator,   

Christine Lewis  01909 731324




Welcome to St John's


The Church is the people of God who gather together to praise and give thanks to God, to pray for and support each other, our community and the world.

Our Benefice is of three distinct communities with three churches:  St John’s, St Luke’s and St Mark’s.

Our churches have their own unique character and support their community in their own particular way. All three churches are united in the common goal of spreading the knowledge and love of Christ within our communities.  <more>

►►► <Vision>

Sunday Service Pattern

Sundays 8:15am HC, Book of Common Prayer St John
Sundays 10:00am HC, Common Worship     not 5th Sun St John
1st Sun 4:00pm Service of the Word    St Luke
3rd Sun 4:30pm Café Church   P Centre
5th Sun 10.00am

HC  (no service at St John) 

St Mark
St John at Carlton, St Luke at Langold, St Mark at Oldcotes



On-line giving    <link>








Please observe government guidance <detail>




Church is Alive

God so loved the world,
that He gave His only Son



Worship Times

Church Contacts

Code 01909

St John’s,


Revd Mark Orr    

 07725 965120


Jeanette Hercun






Pat Shepherd (Mrs)



Richard Smith



Andrew Fullelove



Chris Lewis    




Parish Centre 

Geoff Lewis



Chris Lewis 731324

Parish News, webmaster

Eric James 


Young People

Emma Fullelove


St Mark’s,


David Smith



Maureen Smith


St Luke’s,


Carol Bower

(mob 07790 316542)


St Mark’s Sunday Services          

occasional  events 


St Luke’s Sunday Services          

1st Sunday of month at 4pm    

Christianity is about relationship and community

The best way to find out about faith and prayer, to raise questions or get help, is to meet some Christians.
St John’s is just one of the Christian churches in this area; we seek to work alongside other Christian churches and denominations.

Learn more about God (as he is in Jesus) by reading the Bible 
eg the Gospel of Mark in the New Testament?

We want to be a church that most importantly listens to God. 

Father… love, caring for each person as God''s loved child.

Son… he revealed himself as the historical person of Jesus Christ, whose life, death and resurrection holds the key to knowing God, and to making sense of life, before and after death.

…and Holy Spirit… alive, loving and active today. Sustaining life, giving spiritual gifts to the church and bearing his spiritual fruit in the world - changed lives and a transformed society.

Jesus Is the Life

The Bible tells us that Jesus came to take us who were dead in our sins and bring us back to life (Eph. 2:5). He accomplishes this for those who believe in Him through His own death and resurrection. By dying and rising again to life, Jesus pays for the sins of the faithful and removes the consequence of sin, which is death. This is the life-giving message that Christians possess and must declare to a dying world. The great news we must announce is that whoever believes in Jesus will not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16).

We believe that, through Christ, God can be known as our heavenly Father, and that through the Holy Spirit we may trust, love and worship him.
We believe that through the Bible, God teaches us what to believe about him, how to live for him.
We believe that the world's greatest need is to hear and respond to this good news.

 Regular Events - check magazine/ 'calendar'
for variations





 Mon -Thur  9-9.40am St John's Morning Prayer

alt wks, see cal


Parish Centre

Bible Study Group



St Luke’s

Craft Group  £2

1st Tue of month


St Mark’s

Reflection; Coffee, Cake  & Chat

Fridays term time

    ABC [adults babies children]

Special Services and Events for 2023

at St John’s, Carlton  unless otherwise stated




Christmas Services  <link>




More Information

9am Morning Prayer Mon – Thur (»40mins)    

Revd Mark will be leading an informal but structured time, of reading the Word, meditation and prayer each morning (exceptionally he may have other commitments).

No obligation to pray aloud but an opportunity to participate in the set responses. Prayer requests or thanksgiving can be made known.

Typical content (In modern language): Venite, Psalm, Old and New Testament, Benedictus, Prayers.  Please contact Mark for more details.

→  ⇒  ⇔
There may be several questions:  go to page Weddings 


♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care is an integral part of our church life. If you have any concerns about safeguarding please contact:

In the Parish: Christine Lewis, Parish Safeguarding Co-ordinator,   01909 731324

In the Diocese: (Donna Bernard- Carlin, Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser, 01636 817200)

Out of Hours for Children & Adults:
Nottinghamshire: 0300 456 4546
Nottingham City Council: 0115 876 1000
Bawtry: 01302 796 000

Our Details

Worship at St John’s (Carlton)

St Mark’s (Oldcotes) & St Luke’s(Langold)

Nr. Worksop

                                         services and events < link >

St Mark’s,


David Smith


Treasurer & Covenants

Maureen Smith


St Luke’s,


Carol Bower


More Info


Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care is an integral part of our church life. If you have any concerns about safeguarding please contact:

In the Parish: Christine Lewis, Parish Safeguarding Officer,   01909 731324

Diocesan Safeguarding Team, 01636 817200 

Out of Hours for Children & Adults:
Nottinghamshire: 0300 456 4546
Nottingham City Council: 0115 876 1000
Bawtry: 01302 796 000